October 11, 2018 · Theresa

Best Spots in Milwaukee to Snap a Selfie

Preserving memories through a camera has been a travelers best friend for a long time. Today, with cameras in our pockets, we have the opportunity to take so many photos, including the now ubiquitous “selfie.” Milwaukee is the place to do it.

Good Pics in The Good Land

The city has plenty of “selfie spots” and we scoped out some of the best ones in Milwaukee. Our top selfie spots in Milwaukee include:

#1. The Fonz:

Happy Days is a big part of Wisconsin’s history and Fonzie is famous throughout the country, so snap a selfie with the Bronze Fonz along the Milwaukee riverfront. He doesn’t mind if you throw a pair of sunglasses on him either! Two thumbs up and say, “Ayyyyyyyy!”

 Photo Credit: @tonyasbeautybox
Photo Credit: @tonyasbeautybox

#2 Pretty in front of the Pabst:

Milwaukee’s informal nickname is Brew City for a reason. Brewing was and remains a huge part of our history and the old Pabst Brewing campus makes for a great spot to stop for a selfie (and maybe a sip or two of beer!)

 Photo Credit: @sockdollager_chris
Photo Credit: @sockdollager_chris

#3. Snap a Skyglider Selfie!

Get a selfie in the sky high above the Wisconsin State Fair or at the world’s largest music festival, Summerfest. Hop on the skyglider, grab your phone, and click away – just be careful not to drop your phone!

 Photo Credit: @matthewsbrooke
Photo Credit: @matthewsbrooke

4. Bloody Mary Selfie!

Bloody Mary’s are very loved in Milwaukee and a must try for anyone from out of town. Bonus, Milwaukee Food & City Tours offers a Bloody Mary Brunch tour every Sunday morning with tour guides always ready to jump in a selfie with our guests! Score. 

 Photo Credit: @mkefoodtours
Photo Credit: @mkefoodtours

5. Selfies for Sports Lovers

Milwaukee’s major league baseball team, the Milwaukee Brewers, is affectionately known by locals as “The Brew Crew.” Miller Park has a retractable roof, meaning you can get a great shot rain or shine! Bonus points if you can score a selfie with Milwaukee’s Famous Racing Sausages!

 Photo Credit: @jakereddevils
Photo Credit: @jakereddevils

6. Indoor Delights

Weather outside isn’t ideal? Milwaukee has plenty of things to do in the winter, and the Mitchell Park Domes will not disappoint. With a desert oasis, a tropical jungle and floral gardens, not only can you enjoy a mid-winter warm up by walking through the front doors, but you can snag a great selfie here too. 

 Photo Credit: @tangled_up_in_blue_hausfrau
Photo Credit: @tangled_up_in_blue_hausfrau

7. Smile in the Shadow of the Polish Moon

Many Milwaukeeans take pride in being raised in the shadow of the Polish Moon, and many others enjoy a great beer from Milwaukee Brewing Company named after this iconic landmark. Side streets in Walker’s Point offer the best vantage points to frame the Polish Moon in your next Milwaukee selfie.  

 Photo Credit: @milwaukeeblacksmith
Photo Credit: @milwaukeeblacksmith

8. When in Milwaukee…

Milwaukee has a strong brewing history, and the tradition continues today with more than 25 craft and regional breweries. Lakefront Brewery not only offers one a brewery tour, but houses pieces of Milwaukee history such as Bernie Brewer’s chalet from the former Milwaukee Brewers County Stadium. Be sure to cap your next trip to Milwaukee with a Milwaukee brewed beer and snag a selfie to show it off!

 Photo Credit: @roxicopland
Photo Credit: @roxicopland

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